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Features: Private Space: Mainly protect user privacy info, by automatically moving confidential SMS & call logs of private contacts into Private space, thus to hide the normal track on your phone; Customized Notification: Notify you Private Space status safely and secretively, and differ from other normal SMS & Calls; PIN Permission: Set personal PIN to access private Space and ensure privacy security; Instant Scan: JUST ONE CLICK to look over your privacy protection status, and meanwhile strictly prevent unauthorized apps from accessing your sensitive data; SMS Block: Stop unwanted SMS with certain keywords easily and efficiently, such as lottery, salacity, fault message, defraud, etc. all of which you can specified. Call Block:Kick out all annoying spam calls. One-key Delete: Respectively erase your SMS & Call logs in the phone to keep important stuff; Blacklist Supported: Keep from pestering info in a powerful and full-featured way Timely Update: Save the trouble of app reset;
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