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How Old Photo Deluxe

How Old Photo Deluxe

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Determine your age from your photo. Guess age and gender. Very accurate & funny! How Old? Upload a image and the app tell you how old are you. Extracting the gender and age of the people in these pictures. Share your photos via Facebook, Twitter and mpre with how old do i look. Please notice that your photo will be uploaded to a corporate private database, your picture will be used to adjusting the algorithm in case its not accurate. Your picture will not be published anywhere. Analyse & Detect to know how old you look and your gender using gallery or camera! It calculates how old you look to the outside world by analysis the wrinkles on your face, eye, smile, hair color, surrounding, face shape and the ratio of your faces on the photo you uploaded. HOW TO PLAY : CAMERA MODE 1. Press ‘Camera’ Image Button to open camera 2. Take a photo of your face or your friend faces 3. Press ‘Detect’ button. 4. Share the result with your friends to have fun! HOW

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