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Stocks Free

Stocks Free

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Real-time quotes, charts, latest market and company news from one of the best Stocks Quotes tools on Android. Stocks Free allows you to watch the quotes, access the charts, lets you view the latest market & company news. It's a very simple and real time stocks quotes tool. ★★★★★Key Feature: 1. Touch and scroll to switch the portfolios easily. 2. Up-to-date stock details and charts. 3. quick access to charts 4. view company news or stock news 5. Support markets in US, Canada, UK, HK, Japan etc. 6. stocks quotes google finance 7. support widget ★★★★★keywords: Free stocks quotes markets stock news portfolio portfolios quote note alert widget realtime stock 股票 大盘 股票行情 财经 美股 港股 恒生 纳斯达克 投资组合 Hong Kong stocks financial stocks stock tape Shanghai Hang Seng finance Nasdaq Fund ナスダック ストック ファンド 金融 株 股票 大盤 財經 美股 港股 恆生 納斯達克

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