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Who Am I Animal Edition

Who Am I Animal Edition

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Test your child's IQ by playing the game Guess the Animal Picture this . Guess Game Animal Pictures are educational games with interesting pictures and colors for kids Play Group level , from kindergarten to elementary simple but engrossing.From pictures of animals which appear in the screen game , your child's task is to guess the animal name correctly by selecting answers available . How to Play Guess the Animal Picture : 1. Run the game . At each level there is a picture of animals that have to be guessed. 2. There are 76 levels to be predictable. 3. Select an answer by clicking one of the answers. 4. If the answer is correct , will get some coins. Conversely , if the answer is wrong, the coin will be reduced. 5. The game will end after the wrong answer three times or if the coins run out. Have fun :) Copyright : The whole picture in this game is taken from the site Pixabay [ http://pixabay.com ] and licensed cc0 1.0 Universal / Public Domain Dedication ( free to use)

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