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The ultimate portable arcade shooter is arriving!The Full Version game is FREE!!!!Assaulter:War on TerrorThe ultimate portable arcade shooter has arrived, featuring a huge arsenal of weapons, upgrades, levels and jaw-dropping graphics.Terrorists have brought fear, suffering and an endless list of crises on the world.It's time to fight back with fury.Pick up your weapons and complete your missions on battlefronts all over the globe. Defeat the terrorists, no matter the personal cost.Justice must be done!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------反恐奇兵激烈火爆的槍戰遊戲強勢來襲!多樣的武器、豐富的關卡、精美的畫面。令人深惡痛絕的恐怖分子,給我們帶來了太多的災難、痛苦和憤怒……他們的罪行必須受到制裁!完成世界各地的戰鬥任務,拿起武器,向恐怖分子射擊!反恐戰鬥中沒有懦夫。-----------------------...
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