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Golf Battle 3D.
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Golf Battle 3D.

** This game currently does not support phones with certain graphic cards (ETC tech). So if you have a phone from the Samsung Galaxy series, this will unfortunately not work for you. **Go ONLINE for head-to-head match up against players from all over the world!There is nothing that can beat the feeling of a perfect hit with the driver!148APPS.COMQuite a bit has changed in the sport of golf over the last few years, including how it has been viewed in the public eye. There is no better example of this culture shift than Golf Battle 3D.POCKETGAMER.CO.UKGolf Battle 3D appears to be right up my street. It looks good, too, from the over-exaggerated caricatures of the golfer to the rolling fairways fading into the distance.APPDICTIONS.COM Golf Battle 3D isn’t your dad’s golf game app – it’s for people who care less about getting the ball in the hole and more about how hard you can crush that ball into oblivion – with great 3D graphics! For those who like a little muscle in their gol...
Downloads: 1063+

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