Archery Fire: Medieval Archer Free Download For Android | GetJar
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Archery Fire: Medieval Archer Free Download For Android | GetJar

Who knew archery can be as simple as tap-aim-shoot? In medieval history, to become a bowman one had to go through extremely time consuming training with a bow and arrows. This was a necessary practice for medieval archers, but now you can do it from the comfort of your phone or tablet. With Archery Fire you practice archery skills in multiple locations with a medieval archery setting. Simply tap on the screen and move your finger to aim then release it to shoot at a target just like using a real bow. Hit the target closer to its bullseye and get better scores but aim precise as you only have 20 arrows per game at your disposal. When those are consumed, you must start over. Challenge your friends at a game of marksmen expertise using a longbow and see who gets the highest score in Archery Fire. You won’t become the next Katniss Everdeen (and hopefully you won’t need to), but you’ll have fun while sharpening your target shooting skills.
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