Can you hear the screaming voice... a boy is kidnapped by a gang. the gang has gone out, help the boy to escape from this wooden house using the clues and objects found
Click table on the left, get 4 marbles from there and get the old cycle hidden behind the table
Click cycle to open a new window, get 2 marbles
Click hour glass on the view, click again and get marble.
Click candle holder, get marble,
Get marble from wall frame on the left
Click chest on the floor, click and get marble.
Close chest click the handle of the chest and get another marble
Click the ewer jar on the left of the cupboard, click again and get the marble.
Open the cupboard and get 2 marbles
Go right.
Get marble from grandfather clock
Click telephone, click dialer,then reciever, get 2 marbles
Click the typewriter, click the button on the side and get the marble.
Get the marble by clicking the ewer jar on the right
Click the drawer under the television, get a marble Go Left.