Boy, are we ever glad to see you! We need your help in the kitchen with Master Chef Shifu. It's a busy night tonight, but just one problem -- the orders are in Chinese! Help Shifu figure out what these orders mean in this flagship game from Penyo Pal.
Food Frenzy has a number of great features:
• Bite-sized learning - Play it on the go, when you're in line, on the bus or just bored!
• Different styles - Audio, characters and pinyin ...being exposed to all three helps to reinforce your learning.
• Immediate feedback - Find out which words you've mastered, and which ones you need to practice a bit more right away!
• Personalized content - Choose what content packages you want to focus on learning.
Beat the clock and pick up some basic Mandarin...we'll have you ordering takeout in Chinese in no time! This is an inaugural product so we look forward to hearing your feedback. Please let us know what you think at Thank you, or should we say 谢谢 (xièxiè