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Bible with Catholic Commentary

Bible with Catholic Commentary

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Text of the Challoner Bible with buttons for displaying and disabling verse numbers and commentary. Optimizes the text for use with text-to-speech software (TTS software not included).Commentary is in blue. The comments are invisible until the user makes them visible. The user can also enable a blue asterisk which indicates all verses that have commentary. When clicked, the commentary is revealed. Verse numbers can be removed as well, so that all you get is the biblical text. When verse numbers are removed, the text of each chapter can be easily read by a screen reader without the text being interrupted by verse numbers. The text can also be highlighted and copied or shared to a text-to-speech app.The Challoner Bible is an edition of the Douay Rheims Bible prepared by a Catholic bishop named Richard Challoner in the 1700s. The detailed commentary he provided is some of the most faithful, insightful, and scholarly Catholic commentary that has ever been published. Now, this commentary is

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