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Earths Greatest Mysteries

Earths Greatest Mysteries

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Myths from the depths of time that hint of other, far more Ancient civilizations. Bizarre accounts of strange and unknown technologies. Tales of ancient gods, flying craft and ancient foes waging great wars against each other, wars that were fought with fantastic and devastating weapons. Remains of immensely ancient and enigmatic structures of unknown origin. Amazing pyramids, megalithic stone cities and magnificent structures of intricate difficulty, built in ways that are utterly unknown to us. Strange and incongruous artifacts built by amazing and unknown technology. Cave paintings depicting seemingly impossible scenes. The fulfillment of dark prophecies and much much more! Fact or Fiction? You Decide. Table of Contents 1. Enigma & Conspiracy 2. Riddles from the Past The Piri Reis Map of 1513 The Orontius Fineus Map of 1531 The Bauche Map of 1737 The Franco Rosselli Map of 1508 The Mercater Map of 1538 The Egyptian Pyramid Aztec Earplugs? And much more!

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