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Exchange Rates - Currency Converte

Exchange Rates - Currency Converte

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Currency Converter is a simple and fast currency exchange converter that provides current exchange rates for more than 150+ countries, favorites, offline support, graphics, animated lists, etc. The Application has a nice and convenient interface for quickly getting the rate of the desired currency. Exchange rates application - ideal for traveling abroad or tracking foreign exchange rates. Ability to add any number of currency rate widgets for selected currency pairs. -Dark and light interface theme -Configure the application's color palette -Exchange rate for 150+ world currencies, 4 types of metals, Bitcoin -Personal list of currencies -Built-in calculator -Manual mode (update only on demand) -Ability to download data only over Wi-Fi -Simultaneous conversion of selected currencies; -Schedule of currency rate changes (from 1 day to 5 years) -Setting of decimal places (from 1 to 4) -Support work without the Internet -Saves the last downloaded data -Exchange Rate Widget

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