Horror Wallpapers enables you to find the perfect background with various motives from scary movies. Look through different pictures and pick the one you find best for your phone. Make changes to the size or its look and you'll get your terror wallpaper!- Easy-to-browse interface enables you to find the desired background in no time!- Customize the wallpaper to fit your taste and screen!- Zoom, un-zoom, rotate, move, scale, adjust brightness and save your design!Horror, as a genre, focuses on creating a feeling of fear. It features supernatural elements such as ghosts, witches, or vampires, or can address more realistic psychological fears. It can deal with the mundane or the supernatural, with the fantastic or the normal. It doesn't have to be full of ghosts or things to go bump in the night, but its only true requirement is that it elicit an emotional reaction that includes some aspect of fear or dread. What makes horror fiction or movies so pervasive is that its need to evoke the ne