This app is a gallery, a livewallpaper and a pairs game of beautiful images of lovely puppies.
Rate our poll to download new images from the theme of you voted.
Select the images as "favorites" and use them as live wallpaper.
You can play to find the pairs of the puppies images with 3 different level.
Each picture can be easily set as wallpaper, sent to friends via MMS, email, Bluetooth and shared through social networks.
In the settings you can change the time the images display in the live wallpaper. The images will change with a fade effect, while the display of the device is powered on. The timer is reset each time you make a touch screen.
The live wallpaper works both horizontally and vertically. In landscape mode the image is displayed in full and, in portrait mode, the image will be shown in part, but if your device is enabled to side scrolling, then you can scroll the image horizontally. In some devices like the Samsung Galaxy S3, you must have installed
a launcher sof