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Quick Cam Auto
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Quick Cam Auto

When we drive we come across many interesting moments and we feel bad that we can't capture it without stopping or our camera is not ready. We feel memories are important so “Quick Cam Auto” will help you capture these moments. Once you setup your phone on the dashboard just open “Quick Cam Auto”. Now any time you come across any thing interesting you just have to wave your hand on top of the phone (close to proximity sensor) to tell “Quick Cam Auto” to capture the picture. Languages: - English, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, Russian and Korean Enjoy and have a safe journey! For any questions, problems or wishes please email us. Thank you for using QuickCamAuto. FB Page: http://www.facebook.com/QuickCamAuto/ G+ Page: https://plus.google.com/b/111090620704114798392/111090620704114798392 (You can share your photos & experience here with other users) Keywords: wave hand, proximity, voice, tts, quick camera, automobile, moments, vehicle, car, road surveillance, traffic
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