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Scientific Calculator 200
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Scientific Calculator 200

Scientific calculator is a calculator app developed to suit student need. They can use the calculator for learning, doing homework’s, and experiment with different math functions provided by the calculator including most of features of fx 991 es plus. The developer mission is to add all of the functionalities present in Scientific calculators especially calculus functions and tools, and enhance upon them to make the perfect Scientific calculator. The developer will continually update it with new features and capabilities. Key features: - Basic arithmetic’s. - Calculus. - Single definite integral. - Multiple integrals. - nth order derivatives. - Series sum. - Series product. - All trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. - Include many other functions. - Many common and useful constants. - Many usual scientific calculator tasks. - Supports most of the features of fx 991 es plus. - Graphing (coming soon). - Matrices (coming soon).
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