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StickMan PUBG Legends
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StickMan PUBG Legends

Try to survive on crazy stick battle arena after apocalypse in the block city! Jump out of the survival plane on the dead island, find the best loot, kill the enemies. BUT be afraid of the shrinking zone, it does significant damage! Shoot with AK, pixel gun, smg, multiple-barrel and other weapons. BE THE LAST lone survivor! Make your own stick block story. Fight for the end of deathmatch in our 3D shooter! You don’t need to 7 days to die, you can be killed in one minute in our pixel games! Because it could be your the last day on earth, be very carefully with dead zone it moves very fast and can easily eat you. Features: Squads Fantastic team battle! Team deathmatch with your warfriends to the bitter end. Skins for every taste Skins looks absolutely perfect, just like in true 3D block city survival games, you can purchase any pixel block strike skins;
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