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Fastest Vehicles Known To The Human Race
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Fastest Vehicles Known To The Human Race

Do you want to find out which are the fastest vehicles ever known to the human race? Of course you do! After all, the human race is obsessed with speed. In fact, speed has fascinated the human race for centuries. At almost any given point in our history, there’s evidence of our attempts to push speed boundaries to new and faster heights. From training the fastest horses to the invention of the automobile it seems the human race has had a strong, obsessive fascination with going faster. Now in the 21st century, technology has enabled us to create some of the fastest inventions imaginable. Whether its a motorcycle, submarine, car, train, helicopter, tank or sled, it’s hard to believe the speeds we have been able to achieve. From a supersonic car to a the fastest boat in the world these are the fastest vehicles known to the human race.
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