Starting a new venture is not always easy, so take participate in enterpreneur quiz and know what type of enterpreneur you are. Simple choose one of the category to start a quiz, there are 10 qusetion ask in each category. After all the question, in result it will show you what qualities you have or not to create our own business. Enterpreneur Test App tells you whether you are a Optimizer Enterpreneur, Opportunist Enterpreneur, Hard Worker Enterpreneur, Visionary Enterpreneur and Idealist Enterpreneur.
Enterpreneur test is a fun, beautiful and entertaining app. How well do you know Tech and Business world ?
1. Easy to use and very intuitive.
2. All question are business and work related.
3. A great way to bond with your children while playing a fun educational quiz.
4. Completely redesigned with high resolution graphics.
The application is just for fun and the results however may be accurate but shall not be taken very seriously.