Browse through a large variety of free wallpapers and HD backgrounds for your mobile phone, and choose the right background picture from the category you like: nature, sport, animals, cartoons and much more! 'Wallpapers and Backgrounds 9000' is the the best free app featuring around 100 categories of more than 9000 beautiful and cool wallpapers, which you can further modify and customize as you wish!
– More than 9000 "free wallpapers" and backgrounds for mobile phones sorted into categories!
– Easy-to-browse interface enables you to find the desired image in no time!
– Modify the chosen image to fit your taste and screen!
– Zoom, un-zoom, move, scale, adjust brightness, add various effects, compare it to the original and set your new design!
– Choose a photo from your personal gallery, customize it and set is as a wallpaper!
Get "Wallpapers and Backgrounds" 9000 free for your mobile phone and you'll be delighted by the wide offer of most beautifully designed background pictu