Battle City was also one of the first games to allow two players to play simultaneously. Both players have to defend the base together, and if one player shoots the other, the friendly fire victim would freeze for a while (but can still shoot).
Battle City was one of the first NES games to allow players access to an edit mode where they could create custom levels. However, custom levels cannot be saved.[1]
The Game Boy version is more challenging, as the screen is too small to display the whole map and only enough to display one part of it. Players often would have to scroll to different parts of the map to view them and everything in them. As a result, defending the base is even more difficult, while the player is occupied with enemies on one part of the map, other enemies could sneak past the player and right to the base, destroying it without fear of retaliation and by complete surprise. A radar is in the Game Boy version, but not in the NES version.