New permissions information:
The "Bluetooth" permission is there to show for a new (innovative) way of information and / or advertising. He uses so-called iBeacons and once you get close to such a device, you get information that is interesting only in that place.
Bioscoopagenda includes all cinemas and film theaters in the Netherlands and Belgium!
Among other things these cinemas are present:
Utopolis Aarschot - Aarschot
Landvast - Alblasserdam
JT Alkmaar - Alkmaar
Movie Unlimited Almelo - Almelo
Utopolis Almere - Almere
Holly Forest - Almkerk
Castellum - Alphen a / d Rijn
JT Alphen aan den Rijn - Alphen aan den Rijn
JT Amersfoort - Amersfoort
The Lady - Amersfoort
Kriterion - Amsterdam
The Movies - Amsterdam
Filmtheater The Lookout - Amsterdam
Melkweg Cinema - Amsterdam
Cinecenter - Amsterdam
Rialto - Amsterdam
The Ketelhuis - Amsterdam
Studio K - Amsterdam
Smart Cinema - Amsterdam
EYE Film Institute - Amsterdam
Filmhouse ...