"Conni numbers" with the numbers 1-10 and the first addition.
With Conni makes learning fun, it's funny, creative and motivated children.
Now available for Android. Conni apps always back to square one!
Conni This app offers the same 4 different educational games:
Learn numbers 1-10 -
- Math practice with addition to 10
- Numeric form
- Convert flash
All tasks are examined educational.
-When Game "learn numbers from 1 to 10" sets a chicken every time an egg and cackles when the kids touch it. If the number of eggs laid is true, slips from the last egg a fun surprise!
-When Game "math practice with addition to 10" eggs are added together. 2 + 4 + 7oder 3. If the solution is correct, there is a star as a reward.
At 20 stars a little Conni story is read as a reward.
There are five different small Conni-stories that can discover the children.
-When Game "form tens" are packed egg cartons with 10 compartments with eggs. For each correct answer, there is ...