"1. If you are a new user, press “Register for Howdi”.
2. Fill the entries in the desired format and press register button to register yourself. Please input your valid 10 digit mobile number only as it will be used for authentication.
3. Login with Username and Password used while Registration and you will be forwarded to contact form.
4. In case you forgot your Password then you can simply go to Login Form, press Forgot Password button and fill the desired details. Your password will be shown.
5. In contact form, you will be able to see your friends who are already on “Howdi” once you press the “Load Contact” button. Kindly note that to load contacts the application uses your mobile contact book so as security issue it will ask you to give permission to read contacts.
6. You will be able to see your friends online as well as offline. You cannot send any message to a friend who is offline.
7. To chat with your friend, simply select the person you want to chat with and pres
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